Directives are used to control the compilation of Tiny Hexer Scripts.
Directives tell Tiny Hexer how to compile Tiny Hexer Scripts. Only the
compilation of commands following a directive is affected by that
directive. Directives are written in the form
OPTION <name of the directive> <value>
Currently the following directives are supported:
If GLOBALVARS is set to 1, only one set of variables
exist, so non-local subroutines (called by the CALL and LOOP commands and the CALL() function) can change variables
When set to 0 (default), subroutines get their own copy of all
variables, so they can change them locally, but on termination of the
subroutine (RETURN command), changes
are lost and the variable contents are reset to the values before calling
the subroutine.
Local subroutines are affected only
if they do not redefine global variables (otherwise the variables become
local to the subroutine and their values are not derived from the
equal-named global variables).
See also variables.
These directives are used to control user defined settings. OPT3, OPT4
and OPT5 are not yet used. OPT2 and OPT1/OPT2 are used in import and export
scripts, respectively. OPT5 is used to define an icon for scripts listed under
the Tools/Scripts menu
If READTAGS is set to 1, the FILEREAD command and function store the current file position and
amount of data read.
See also variable tagging.
Using the TARGET directive you can tell Tiny Hexer that a script is not an ordinary one, but should be used with the "File/Import" command, the "File/Export" command or the structure viewer. If such a script is opened using the "Tools/Execute script" command, a warning message is displayed telling the user that the script is not designed to be executed directly. Also the structure viewer and the import/export commands refuse to use scripts not designed for them.
Using the TITLE directive you can set the caption of the structure viewer, list entries in "Import" and "Export" dialogs
and the "Tools/Scripts" menu
See the topic about localizing
scripts for localized TITLE directives.
If UNDO is set to 1 (default), the contents of the currently active editor are stored internally before the script is executed to allow for restoring the file's previous state after the script finishes. If you are sure the script will not change the current editor's data (or the file is rather large), you can set UNDO to 0 to avoid unnecessary memory consumption.